4 つ打ちのスネアに 3・4 拍目裏のバスドラが鳴らされる、リズミカルなドラムパターンのことです(勝手につけました)。モータウンビート パターン B とかも呼ばれます。

このリズムパターンが好きすぎるので、登場する曲をひたすら収集していて、その中からお気に入りのお気に入りの曲を 26 曲ピックアップしました。

Best タンタンタコタコ songs of 2020 (Apple Music)

Best タンタンタコタコ songs of 2020 (Spotify)

  • Devon Williams - Out of Time (from “A Tear in the Fabric”)
  • Yukon Blonde - Big Black Cloud (from “Vindicator”)
  • Willie J Healey - Fashun (from “Twin Heavy”)
  • Speelburg - When You Want Me (from “Porsche”)
  • Pop Co-op - No Man’s Land (from “Factory Settings”)
  • POLLYANNA - カモミールの育てかた (from “pantomime”)
  • The Vapors - In Babylon (from “Together”)
  • The Explorers Club - She’d Rather Be with Me (from “To Sing and Be Born Again”)
  • Drake Bell - You Want Me (from “The Lost Album”)
  • The Jaded Hearts Club & Nic Cester - Why When the Love Is Gone (from “You’ve Always Been Here”)
  • Jagguar - Intro (5PM at Coachella) (from “Jagguar”)
  • マカロニえんぴつ - 恋人ごっこ (from “恋人ごっこ”)
  • 鈴木みのり - まいっちゃう (from “上ミノ”)
  • Dolour - Yes and No (from “The Royal We”)
  • Wilsen - Align (from “Ruiner”)
  • Marshall Holland - I’m Checkin’ Out (from “Paper Airplane”)
  • Goo Goo Dolls - Christmas All Over Again (from “It’s Christmas All Over”)
  • Icecream Hands - General Wear and Tear (from “General Wear and Tear”)
  • Blitzen Trapper - Masonic Temple Microdose #1 (from “Holy Smokes Future Jokes”)
  • aiko - 青空 (from “青空”)
  • daisansei - 体育館 (from “ドラマのデー”)
  • Honey Lung - Getting Off (from “Post Modern Motorcade Music”)
  • Mourn - Gather, Really (from “Self Worth”)
  • The Smaching Pumpkins - Starrcraft (from “CYR”)
  • ズカイ - とおせんぼう (from “とおせんぼう”)
  • GUM - Don’t Let It Go Out (from “Out In The World”)