- Hermit of Mink Hollow (1978)
- The Ever Popular Tortured Artist Effect (1982)
- Runt. The Ballad of Todd Rundgren (1971)
- Something/Anything? (1972)
- Runt (1970)
- A Wizard, a True Star (1973)
- Todd (1974)
- Nearly Human (1989)
- Oblivion [Utopia] (1984)
- 2nd Wind (1991)
- Utopia [Utopia] (1982)
- Deface the Music [Utopia] (1980)
- Faithful (1976)
- Healing (1981)
- Nazz [Nazz] (1968)
- A Cappella (1985)
- Adventures in Utopia [Utopia] (1979)
- Initiation (1975)
- Todd Rundgren’s Utopia [Utopia] (1974)
- P.O.V. [Utopia] (1985)
- Nazz Nazz [Nazz] (1969)
- Global (2015)
- Oops! Wrong Planet [Utopia] (1977)
- Back to the Bars (1978)
- Liars (2004)
- Disco Jets [Utopia] (1976)
- Runddans [Todd Rundgren, Emil Nikolaisen, Hans-Peter Lindstrøm] (2015)
- Another Live [Utopia] (1975)
- State (2013)
- Ra [Utopia] (1977)
- Swing to the Right [Utopia] (1982)
- Nazz III [Nazz] (1971)
- The Individualist (1995)
- Arena (2008)
- Up Against It! (Recorded 1988; released 1997)
- Todd Rundgren’s Johnson (2011)
- (re)Production (2011)
- No World Order (~Lite) (1993)
- With a Twist… (1997)
- One Long Year (2000)
- Reconstructed [Remix] (2001)
上位 10 枚はほんとよく聴くんだけど、1 アーティストによく聴く名盤 10 枚あるって考えると凄さ実感する。11~20 位は結構好きで、21~30 位はイマイチピンとこないけど良い曲はあるという感じ、31~41 位は2周しても印象がよくなくて正直ちゃんと聴けてませんという感じ…。予想だと新譜は 10~15 位位くらい。